I have always worked well individually and in team-based environments. Having several family members in the software development profession has encouraged me to pursue software development as a career. I enjoy creating user-friendly computer applications that solve real-world problems! I am excited to embark on this new journey in software development!
Motivation Joy is an App to keep you happy and motivated while at work! It's a great way to share your life that brings about a positive attitude in you and others. It may have the ability to influence your thinking and choices so that you can have a positive effect on this world. DevelopedĀ a React-based project promoting a positive attitude in a workplace setting by sharing inspiring photos, quotes, ideas and activities of interest. Leveraged CRUD functionality with JSON server. Used Bootstrap/Reactstrap for styling elements.
Github: https://github.com/nss-day-cohort-33/c33-celebrity-tribute-kicking-krabs
Github: https://github.com/nss-day-cohort-33/welcome-to-nashville-harmonic-hedgehogs
Github: https://github.com/nss-day-cohort-33/c33-nutshell-fairy-boo-boo-1
Github: https://github.com/nss-day-cohort-33/c33-nutshell-react-the-fort-pillows